Exploring Consciousness

Different states of awareness or levels of consciousness exist in our universe. In this Conscious Leadership in Action conversation, Charlie Efford relates these levels of consciousness to octaves on a musical scale, each having a number of notes within it. Higher octaves mean higher levels of consciousness.

During our conversation, Charlie provided a fascinating description of the color coded spirals described by Frederic Laloux in Reinventing Organizations and Don Beck and Christopher Cowan in Spiral Dynamics, with references to vertical and horizontal learning. Charlie suggested that lot of the work around conscious leadership is probably coming out of the green level of consciousness, maybe tipping a little bit towards teal and raised the question, Is the world approaching a point where we’re about to make a jump up to another octave?

Exploring higher levels of consciousness beyond green and yellow is challenging. It’s difficult to understand what green leadership would look like if you’re predominantly operating at an orange level. Speaking the green language or conscious leadership language to someone who was very firmly at the orange level, makes no sense to them. They just don’t get. It’s not their fault, they haven’t experienced it yet.

To view the Conscious Leadership in Action video conversation with Charlie Efford, go to my YouTube channel.

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