
Connecting: The Power of Connection

The Power of Connection

Connecting is my word for the new year. In our fast-paced, digital world, the concept of connecting has taken on new meanings. While technology has made it easier than ever to stay in touch, the essence of true connection goes beyond just being linked by a device. It’s about deeply connecting and forming meaningful relationships, […]

Helping Humanity

Helping Humanity is the title of one of the chapters in our book, Midlife, New Life: Living Consciously in Midlife and Beyond. In the chapter, we explore environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and leadership in governments and business, and consider how we can each contribute to making the world a better place to live and work. […]

The Third Place

If our first place is our home and the people we live with and the second place is the workplace where some of us spend most of our time, where is our third place? The original concept of the third place has been attributed to Ray Oldenburg who shared his research in the 1989 edition […]

Solo Aging

An increasing number of people in later life are living alone. Solo aging, or solo living as we described it in our book, Midlife, New Life, may be a matter of choice or perhaps due to a change in personal circumstances resulting from the loss of a partner or another life-changing event. In the United […]


Living is my word for the new year. Living is one of those words that is typically followed or preceded by other words or phrases. Although inspired by the subtitle of our upcoming book, Midlife, New Life: Living Consciously in Midlife and Beyond, many positive words and phrases can precede or follow the word living: […]

Rituals and Routines

Rituals was the theme for one of our recent conscious conversation circles on Zoom. Our conversation starter reminded us about the celebratory rituals we often associate with the religious ceremonies for weddings, births, and deaths, or ancient sacred ceremonies such as rites of passage, dedications, atonement and purification, oaths of allegiance, coronations, presidential inaugurations, and […]

Harmony Image


Harmony is my word for the new year. The inspiration for selecting harmony as my word of the year has been the study of nonviolence with Michael Nagler, narrator of the film and author of the book The Third Harmony: Nonviolence and the New Story of Human Nature. I had considered nonviolence as my word […]

Finding Your Voice

Finding Your Voice

Finding Your Voice was one of many themes we explored in our conversation circles this year. In these conversation circles, we discussed our physical voice, the outer voice we use for speaking, singing, and perhaps chanting; our inner voice, the internal monologue in our head that provides the words and images that reflect our thoughts […]

Seeds of Consciousness

Seeds of Consciousness

Our conscious mind is small in comparison to our vast unconscious mind. This unconscious mind is part of what Thich Nhat Hanh referred to as store consciousness. Describing consciousness as like a house, Thich Nhat Hanh suggested that store consciousness is the basement and mind consciousness is our living room. Mind consciousness is our active […]

Hope Blog Post Image


Hope is my word for the new year. I am sometimes weighed down by pessimistic perspectives on life’s challenges. This year I want to turn this pessimism around, going beyond simple optimism, to real hope for the possibilities of the future. This hope is defined as the belief that our future will be better than […]