Conscious Leadership
Conscious leaders are waking up and becoming more aware of themselves, of others, and of their environment.
They are listening generously with all their senses, feeling all their feelings, and creating space for becoming more mindful and for noticing what is going on around them.
This is an invitation to begin waking up.
Whoever you are—rich or poor, young or old, leader or follower—I invite you to accept this invitation to wake up, recognizing that conscious leadership requires us all to become wide awake and to stay awake and alert in all aspects of our lives.
Conscious leadership is a journey, not a destination.
Unlike a top athlete whose goal is to be the best in their chosen sport, the conscious leader is not focused on winning, not trying to be the best in the world but wanting to be the best for the world. It is an unending journey of becoming a more conscious leader.
Although the ten practices presented in the book, The Inner Journey to Conscious Leadership, are quite simple, they are not easy. It takes dedication, a leap of faith, and daily practice to journey toward conscious leadership.
My intention is to raise the consciousness of leaders around the world. The Inner Journey to Conscious Leadership offers one hundred behaviors and practices for leading consciously.
Using the themes of Awareness – Intention – Action (A-I-A), conscious leaders continually ask three questions:
- What are you noticing?
- What are your intentions about what you are noticing?
- What responsible actions will you take in response to what you are noticing?
What are you waking up to? What is wanting to awaken in your world? It is time to get quiet and listen to the whispers of your inner voice. Maybe the consciousness whisperer can help you hear what is calling you.
If you would like to learn more about conscious leadership, buy the book and sign up for The Conscious Leader, an occasional newsletter sharing insights into the field of conscious leadership with articles and book reviews, and links to inspirational consciousness conversations.